
stupid kids

So today is my day off, and I'm enjoying it to the fullest. It was heaven to get to sleep in and not have to take the dogs out right after I roll out of bed. The past few days J has been taking them out for me since he gets to go into work later. And now today I've been playing around with the baby registry, which brings me to my complaint. Where was this stuff when I was a kid?? They have some of the coolest kid stuff on different sites, its just no fair! I want ballerina socks! No really, I do, they're awesome looking. Well now that I've got that complaint out of the way I can gush about the cool registry website I found too. It lets you register for different things from different stores, which is awesome because it's hard to decide on just the one site to add, or if you decide to register on different sites to make sure you don't register for duplicates, or you might end up getting 40 diaper bags and no ballerina socks :( and we all know that would be a heartbreak. So to all you pregnant people, or peoples getting married or getting a new house or who are registering for any reason really, check out this site. It's pretty cool. And please don't look at ours yet, if still fucking with it, but if you find any ballerina socks in an 8 1/2....

1 comment:

Michelle & Co. said...

I love ballerina socks! Love the lil leggings too! My son is going to have to be an early cross dresser. haha jk! dunno if your into the whole baby carrier thing, but I think these are awesome babyhawk.com Have fun baby browsing, its pretty much the best form of crack ever! LOL